
The vcf2tsv command can be used to convert a VCF to a tab-delimited file.

Converts a VCF into a tsv - in wide or long format, and taking into account annotation fields (ANN) added by programs such as SNPeff.

  vk vcf2tsv (wide|long) [--print-header --ANN] <vcf>
  • wide | long - Select one of wide or long to set the output format.
  • --print-header - Print a header row specifying column names.
  • --ANN - Parse annotation fields. Results in 1 row x (n)annotations x (n)samples when long or 1 row x (n)annotations x (n)variants when wide.

  • wide - Prints a row for every CHROM:POS x # annotations (if --ANN is specified). A row will be output for every annotation.

  • long - Prints a row for every CHROM:POS x sample x annotation (if --ANN is specified) combination.

For example, if a SNP at CHROM=II, POS=100 has two annotations and five samples, there will be (CHROM:POS[1]) x (annotations[2]) x (samples[5]) = 10 lines output. * --ANN - Expands ANN fields added by variant prediction programs (e.g. SnpEff). When multiple annotations are present, a row is output for each annotation. This is for both wide and long format.