
vk hmm [options] --A=<parent_1> --B=<parent_2> <vcf>

The vk hmm uses a hidden-markov-model to call near-isogenic lines (NILs) or recombinant-inbred lines (RILs). The hmm command is designed for use with low-coverage sequence data from RIL or NIL populations. The HMM is designed to detect parental haplotypes while ignoring sequencing errors. However, it is not as sophisticated as alternatives such as such as Impute2 or Beagle which can also be used to perform this type of analysis, although you may need to modify your VCF or generate input files.

  • --A=<parent_1> - The first parent. Can also be REF.
  • --B=<parent_2> - The second parent. Can also be ALT.

To use the vk hmm command, you'll need a VCF with these requirements:

  1. The parents must be represented within the VCF or their genotypes must be represented as REF (all 0/0) or ALT (all 1/1) calls.

We have had success using the vk hmm command whole genome sequencing strains of C. elegans at very low depth (~1.5x). Genotyping arrays can also be used.

The vk hmm command iterates through the VCF, assembles an array of genotypes, and uses an hmm to assign parental haplotypes.


  • --vcf-out - Outputs a VCF, assigning genotypes based on parental haplotypes called by the hmm. A GT_ORIG format field is added to retain the original genotype call.
  • --endfill - When outputting genomic regions, if a parental genotype is assigned at the very beginning or end of a chromosome use 1 or the length of the chromosome, respectively. The endfill option is recommended for near-isogenic lines, and not for recombinant inbred lines.
  • --infill - Assume genotypes switch at the end position of the previous block + 1 rather than the next observed genotype. This removes gaps and is useful for aesthetics, but should probably not be used for analysis.
  • --state - Probability of ref/alt state, accounting for errors. For example, if --state=0.97, the probability the calls are reference is 97% and 3% of calls will be alt (attributable to errors).
  • --transition - Probability of transition occuring. We set this very low by default because the state probability accounts for some level of error.

hmm options Effect of using --infill and --endfill options - Orange and blue parental haplotypes can extend to the beginning or end of chromosomes using the --endfill option whereas regions between adjacent SNVs where haplotypes switch can be filled in with the next haplotype.

Recommended Filters

vcf hmm can take stdout as input. When working with low-coverage whole-genome sequence data, we recommend applying filters to remove problematic sites. Specficially, the DV/DP ratio can be used to remove problematic alt sites using the command below:

bcftools view <vcf> |\
bcftools filter --set-GTs . --exclude '((FMT/DV)/(FMT/DP) < 0.75 && FMT/GT == "1/1")' |\
vk hmm --A=<parent_1> --B=<parent_2> --ref=<ref_sample> -

Plotting Results

This R script can be used to plot. An example is below.

hmm example



If you do not use the --vcf-out flag, out put will be a tsv:

chrom start end sample gt gt_name supporting_sites sites DP switches rle
IV 77451 7920553 ECA651 1 N2 1259 1265 1.06593 12 B59A1A360A1A288A1A83A1A302A1A45A1A122
IV 7930759 9519760 ECA651 2 CB4856 78 83 1.14103 10 A32A1A20A1A3A1A4A1A14A1A5
IV 9542273 17491919 ECA651 1 N2 1134 1139 1.12875 10 B333A1A38A1A335A1A79A1A336A1A13

The following columns will be listed

  • chrom - Chromosome
  • start - The start of the haplotype call.
  • end - The end of the haplotype call
  • sample - The sample
  • gt - A numeric representation of the parental haplotype called. Corresponds with the gt_name column.
  • gt_name - The parental haplotype called
  • supporting_sites - The number of genotypes supporting the parental haplotype call.
  • sites - The total number of genotypes found within the region (does not include missing).
  • DP - The average depth of genotype calls in the region.
  • switches - The number of switches that occur between parental genotypes within a haplotype.
  • rle - The run-length-encoding of the genotypes called. B3A1B8 represents 3 B-parent calls, 1 A-parent call, and 8 B-parent calls.


If you use the --vcf-out flag, the output will be a VCF. The FORMAT/GT field will be flipped for the appropriate genotype call. Additionally, a FORMAT/GT_ORIG field will be added indicating the original genotype.